Picture Perfect Birthday Card Inspire Create Stamping Challenge #41 I love a sketch. They make a great starting point for creating a card so I was very happy to see this week was sketch challenge for the Inspire Create Stamping Challenge #041 I love the All My Love Designer Series Papers so much and this sketch gave me the perfect chance to use them. I picked out the colours in the papers and used the matching card for the card base, and layers. Flirty ... VIEW POST
Picture Perfect Birthday Card!
Candle Gift Box – All My Love Papers And The Daisy Punch
Candle Gift Box All My Love Papers And The Daisy Punch I am so excited to be part of Kylie Bertucci's April Blog Hop! We are an international group of demonstrators all working towards growing our business's and sharing ideas and inspiration along the way. Thank you so much for joining us ! You may be starting here or have come from another blog. The list is at the end of the post so you can hop along from blog to blog getting lots of paper crafting ideas and inspiration ... VIEW POST
Double Slider Birthday Card With You Tube Tutorial – All That You Are
All That You Are Double Slider Birthday Card I loved making a double slider card for a blog challenge on Monday. It was a good luck card and really fun to make. You can see it here and if you haven't already, I would love if you voted for me. I love how both panels slide out when you pull the ribbon. I showed it to the lovely ladies who come to my Coffee and Cards sessions on a Tuesday morning and afternoon. They wanted to know how to make it so, ... VIEW POST